NARS autumn 2016 very first Impressions

NARS autumn 2016
Ooh, the NARS autumn 2016 collection makes me wanna unleash my inner artiste!

Look whatsoever those pencils… My goodness. I’m lured to get one of my adult color books.


Coming July 15 to NARS shops as well as the NARS website, as well as sometime in August to Sephora as well as NARS counters, this one’s mainly about the pencils.

NARS velvet Eyeliners from the left in Black Moon, Mambo, Curacao, Kaliste, London, Blue Lotus, Last Frontier, Las Pozas as well as Darklight ($24 each)
The huge news? The new $24 NARS velvet Eyeliners, which are coming in nine shades. They’re like smokey kohls…

They get soft as well as smooth, so you can smudge as well as smoke ’em out, making them fantastic bases for smokey eyes looks and, of course, you can likewise utilize them to line your lash as well as water lines.


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$ 42.

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On my water lines, though, I get some transferring onto the skin along my lash lines, which isn’t a huge offer to me, since I just end up smooshing as well as smudging them out anyway (’cause homegirl likes it SMOKAYYYY!), however it’s there.

The collection likewise includes two NARS contour blush duos, three eyeshadows as well as two red matte lip pencils.

Wearing NARS Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow in Antares (inner corner), Rigel (lid) as well as Arcturus (lash line); Contour blush in Melina; velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Infatuated; as well as velvet eyeliner in Black Moon
The $42 NARS Contour Blushes in Melina (left) as well as Talia (right)

Left to best from the blue pan, the NARS Dual-Intesity Eyeshadows in Arcturus, Rigel as well as Antares ($29 each)
The NARS $26 velvet Matte Lip Pencils in Infatuated (left) as well as Consuming (right)
NARS is popular for their red lipsticks, as well as they safeguard their rep as the bad-@ss brand on the block with the two reds here.

One of them, Infatuated Red, which I’m using in the picture below, is TO DIE. It’s one of those completely opaque matte garnets that emphatically waves hi from across a congested room.

It’s likewise the one restricted edition piece in the collection.

And the Countour blush Duos? Well, I’m not the most significant fan of contouring… Don’t even get me started on contouring. Like, who has time for that? Plus, in some cases I feel like the push to do intense contouring makes women feel poor about themselves, like they requirement to modification the shape of their features or something.

Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. #endminirant

I do like the fine structure of these powders as well as exactly how quickly they blend. as well as I likewise like that the matte surface has a light sheen. It’s a good touch since I believe it keeps the skin from looking muddy or flat.

NARS velvet eyeliner swatches from the left in Black Moon, Mambo, Curacao, Kaliste, London, Blue Lotus, Last Frontier, Las Pozas as well as Darklight
NARS velvet Matte Lip Pencils in Infatuated Red (left) as well as Consuming Red (right)
NARS Dual-Intensity Eyeshadows in Antares, Rigel as well as Arcturus
The NARS Countour Blushes in Lemline (the two swatches on the left) as well as Talia (on the right)
Speaking o’ mattes, yup, many of the products in the collection are mattes, however don’t freak out if you’re all about that shimmer, shimmer, poultry dinner. The three luminous as well as beautiful Dual-Intensity Eyeshadows contrast well with the numerous mattes.

I’m truly into dark blue Arcturus (I wear it as a liner) as well as Rigel, the increased gold shade (a gorgeous lid color that beams as well as lusters like jewelry).


Get your pencil sharpener ready, babe, as well as keep an eye out for NARS autumn 2016 when it shows up later this month.

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