Makeup as well as charm blog Monday Poll, Nov. 14

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Ну, это не так много опросов. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past three years, which I assumption makes this somewhere around Vol. 194. I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you delight in reading mine.


Distracted however otherwise a-okay. The roofers are right here doing repair work on our garage (I’m waving at them best now with my office window… “Hi, guys!”), as well as there’s rather a commotion.

How long does it take you to do your hair in the morning?

It varies wildly. Anywhere from 2-15 minutes, depending upon exactly how cooperative Lloyd Christmas is being (my bangs) as well as what I’m trying to finish with my wavy hair.

If all goes well, then it takes me about five minutes to de-frizz as well as shape, unless I’m curling or flat ironing, in which situation I’m taking a look at about 15.

And if I just can’t cajole Lloyd as well as the waves (great name for a band!) into behaving, I’ll slip on a Goody headband as well as a ponytail holder as well as phone call it a day.

Even though I miss having very long hair…I have to state that shorter hair sure has been simpler to wear.

Do you have any type of plans for the holidays?

Not yet, nope. as well as to tell you the truth, I’m beginning to worry about it.

Now that El Hub’s parents have transferred to California from Hawaii (they’re about a four-hour drive away from us), things are a bit much more complicated.

When they resided in Hawaii, gos to were much more cut as well as dry. We either went to Hawaii or stayed right here in the Bay Area, however now with everybody within driving distance, both sides of the household will try to get together, or we’ll be driving back/forth.

I’m thankful that we’re all much better together, however I haven’t rather figured out the new logistical challenges.

What’s one new thing you would like to try this week?

Last week I got a $20 voucher for 20 classes at a regional yoga studio (I discovered the offer on Living Social), as well as I’d truly like to make it to at least one class this week.

The very first word that concerns mind when I ask, “What’s one thing you like about fall?”

Pie! Pumpkin, apple, pecan…

A piece of makeup you’ve been loving lately?

I just recently rediscovered Tarte Provocateur pressed Mineral Powder after a long hiatus. Why I ever stopped utilizing it, I have no idea.

It refuses to work out into my fine lines as well as pores as well as feels as light as air on my skin. fantastic stuff!

Do you desire that you might speak any type of other languages?

О, да. French, Italian as well as Spanish, primarily since I would like to eat my method with Spain, Italy as well as France.

Shave, pluck or wax?

When I’m in a hurry, shaving as well as plucking, as well as waxing when I have an additional hour to kill (I do it myself).

Things you’d like to do before the end of the year?

Meet as well as then preserve my weight-loss goal in spite of the great eats this time around of year, re-organize my entire makeup collection, as well as plan to take a short trip some location warm in January.

Еженедельные цели:

Just one this week. I feel a bit off kilter best now, so I just want to make it with the week in one (ideally happy) piece.

Hey, hey, cutie pie. I just realized that complying with today, we only have six Mondays left in 2011.


Я знаю! We’re in single digit territory…

We’re likewise coming up on our fifth year together, because I started MBB back in February of 2007.

This may noise corny, however I’m always grateful to be able to begin the week with your friendship. Я не шучу. Without you I’d most likely go full-on bat sh*t crazy.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

Before you jet, do you have a minute to touch base in today’s Monday Poll? I hope you do.

Чтобы обменять опрос понедельника, просто скопируйте соблюдение списка, а также вставьте его с вашими ответами в комментариях.

1. Настроение:
2. exactly how long does it take you to do your hair in the morning?
3. Do you have any type of plans for the holidays?
4. What’s one new thing you would like to try this week?
5. The very first word that concerns mind when I ask, “What’s one thing you like about fall?”
6. A piece of makeup you’ve been loving lately?
7. Do you desire that you might speak any type of other languages?
8. Shave, pluck or wax?
9. things you’d like to do before the end of the year?
10. Обычные цели:

I believe today’s going to take a turn for the much better any type of minute now. Это всего лишь вопрос времени.


You have yourself a great one, okay? Поговорите с вами скоро.

Ваш дружелюбный наркоман обмена сообщества,


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